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🔙 <Назад>
💽 Apple EP
💽 Applebaschin' Beats
💽 Basch's Random Tunes
💽 Baschfire's Electronic Experiments
💽 Baschfire's Free Music
💽 Baschfire's Free Tunes
💽 Baschfire's Orchestral Music
💽 Battlefields of Equestria
💽 Dreamwarden
💽 Epic Final Bosses of Equestria Vol. 1
💽 Epic Final Bosses of Equestria Vol. 2
💽 Epic Final Bosses of Equestria Vol. 3
💽 Fall of the Empire OST
💽 Harmonic Discordance
💽 Luna Orchestral
💽 Mic Becomes a Pokemon Master
💽 My Little Orchestra
💽 Seeds of Discord EP
💽 Stormborn
💽 Suite for Cloudsdale
💽 The Fallen Sister
🎶 📥 A Pony Christmas
🎶 📥 A Ponyville Christmas Rap (Ft. IbeaBronyRapper)
🎶 📥 A Triumphant Return (Fanfic Tribute)
🎶 📥 Baschire His Hopes and Dreams will Save the World (His ThemeHopes and DreamsSave the World)
🎶 📥 Battle Theme (V2)
🎶 📥 Battle Theme
🎶 📥 Call Upon the Sea Ponies (Orchestralstep Remix)
🎶 📥 Celestia's Mischief
🎶 📥 Celestial Rage
🎶 📥 Chaotic Tension
🎶 📥 Conflicting Ideals
🎶 📥 Dark Savior (Ode to NMM)
🎶 📥 Dear Princess Trollestia
🎶 📥 Draw!
🎶 📥 Epic Final Bosses Of Equestria (Mystic Fury - Twilight Sparkle)
🎶 📥 Equestria's Olympic Theme
🎶 📥 Equestria's Ponylimpics Theme
🎶 📥 Flutterage
🎶 📥 For Celestia - Celestial Fanfare
🎶 📥 Giggle At the Snowflakes
🎶 📥 God Rest ye Merry Gentlemen
🎶 📥 Hearts on a String
🎶 📥 Hearts Torn Asunder
🎶 📥 Heroes' Procession
🎶 📥 Hush Now, the Flakes are Falling
🎶 📥 Immortal Flame (Chrysalis)
🎶 📥 In Memory of Broken Heartstrings
🎶 📥 L'esprit de Générosité - The Spirit of Generosity
🎶 📥 L'esprit de L'energie - The Spirit of Energy.
🎶 📥 Le cadeau de la grâce (The Gift of Grace)
🎶 📥 Le corps de la force - The body of Strength
🎶 📥 Les Essences Du Vent - The Essences of The Wind
🎶 📥 Lower the Moon (Epic Descent)
🎶 📥 Magic Pony Bus 2
🎶 📥 Magic Thief
🎶 📥 Majestic Tempest (Spitfire x Soarin')
🎶 📥 Modèle de la sagesse - The Paragon of Wisdom
🎶 📥 My memories, and I (Ft. SlyphStorm)
🎶 📥 New Fluttershy V 5.0
🎶 📥 Nighttime Palace
🎶 📥 On the Field
🎶 📥 Pony Space Mane Theme
🎶 📥 Powerful Foe!
🎶 📥 Rising Flight
🎶 📥 Road to Salvation
🎶 📥 Shopping theme (MLP RPG music)
🎶 📥 Skyward Romance
🎶 📥 Snow Flowing Dress (A Winter Theme)
🎶 📥 Something Nice
🎶 📥 Song of Sadness
🎶 📥 Song of the Chosen
🎶 📥 Sonic Rainblast
🎶 📥 Static Strings - Octavia x Vinyl Sctrach
🎶 📥 Summer Candy (Lyra x Bon Bon)
🎶 📥 Sunset in Equestria
🎶 📥 Tactical Rainuke
🎶 📥 Tempestual Growth (Scootaloo)
🎶 📥 This Day Aria (Instrumental Remix)
🎶 📥 This Day Aria (Operatic Cover)
🎶 📥 Trajedy Strikes
🎶 📥 Trap Phantasm (Baschfire Vs. Slyphstorm)
🎶 📥 Twilight's Rainboom
🎶 📥 Unfounded Strength
🎶 📥 Vinyl Scratch vs The World
🎶 📥 Winter's Wrapping
🎶 📥 Yuletide Gala

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