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Броняши пишут музыку различных жанров, а отличается она как правило большей продолжительностью (треки от 4 до 8 минут) и замысловатым содержанием (создаётся от души, а не ставится как попса на конвеер ради прибыли).

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Remember Falling (Sights Unseen)

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🔙 <Назад>
💽 A Tribute to Aviators - EP
💽 After the Afterlife
💽 Destiny - EP
💽 Destiny Reborn - EP
💽 Echoes In The Dark
💽 Journey (Climb the Mountain High)
💽 Machines - EP
💽 Monolith
💽 Nightmare Night - EP
💽 Somewhere - EP
💽 Starlight
💽 Stars Collide
💽 Together - EP
🎶 📥 A Rarity
🎶 📥 Alive
🎶 📥 Alone
🎶 📥 Another Year
🎶 📥 Ardent Light
🎶 📥 Atmosphere
🎶 📥 Awakening
🎶 📥 Beyond the Sky (ft. Toothpaste)
🎶 📥 Cadie (Butts, Potatoes, Ponies)
🎶 📥 Chant of Loss
🎶 📥 Chant of Mirth
🎶 📥 Constellations
🎶 📥 Dead In The Water
🎶 📥 Dear Twelve Year Old Me
🎶 📥 Dream Life
🎶 📥 Equalize
🎶 📥 Faultless (ft. Namii)
🎶 📥 Fear of Failure (Instrumental)
🎶 📥 Fear of Failure (Vocals)
🎶 📥 Fear of Failure
🎶 📥 Friendship (Cover)
🎶 📥 From Winter To Home
🎶 📥 Ghosts (instrumental)
🎶 📥 Ghosts (vocals)
🎶 📥 God Knows
🎶 📥 Going Down (pt. 2)
🎶 📥 Going Down
🎶 📥 Goodbye at Last (ft. Namii)
🎶 📥 Halls of Lost Dreams
🎶 📥 Happy Hearthswarming Eve
🎶 📥 Heartache (Cadie x KitKat Kitty) [MIX]
🎶 📥 Hourglass (ft. Namii)
🎶 📥 I Don't Complain (covering Luna Jax)
🎶 📥 I Miss You
🎶 📥 I Stand, I Cry
🎶 📥 I Won't Die (MLP Song)
🎶 📥 I'd Like To Try
🎶 📥 I'm Still Here
🎶 📥 Indelible (ft. Namii)
🎶 📥 Into a Dream (Instrumental)
🎶 📥 Into a Dream (Vocals)
🎶 📥 Joyous Work
🎶 📥 Kill Me
🎶 📥 Let You Know (ft. Namii)
🎶 📥 Like Me
🎶 📥 Lost (Sights Unseen Cover)
🎶 📥 Love and Cheer
🎶 📥 Lullaby
🎶 📥 Majesty's Reverie, I
🎶 📥 Meant to Be
🎶 📥 Monarch
🎶 📥 Monster
🎶 📥 Never Forget
🎶 📥 New Heights
🎶 📥 Our Call
🎶 📥 Our Ending
🎶 📥 Pegasus Device (Cover)
🎶 📥 Pegasus Factory II
🎶 📥 Pegasus Factory
🎶 📥 Phone Call
🎶 📥 Promises (League of Legends Song)
🎶 📥 Psychotic
🎶 📥 Purge
🎶 📥 Regret
🎶 📥 Remembered
🎶 📥 Revolution
🎶 📥 Riverside
🎶 📥 Say Goodbye (Remaster)
🎶 📥 Say Goodbye
🎶 📥 Shreds of Indesicsion
🎶 📥 Sister (ft. Melody Sky)
🎶 📥 Sovereign Divination (ft. Cadie)
🎶 📥 Stars In My Eyes (1000 Sub Special)
🎶 📥 Strangers (ft. BearSlayer & Cerridwen)
🎶 📥 Temptation (ft. Wubcake)
🎶 📥 The Spark (ft. Namii)
🎶 📥 The Sun Is Dark
🎶 📥 The World of Our Minds
🎶 📥 This is not the End
🎶 📥 Together
🎶 📥 Tomorrow Is A Dream
🎶 📥 Twilight's Dollhouse
🎶 📥 Vylet Pony - Queen of Misfits (ft. Cabi & Namii) [R-F Remix]
🎶 📥 Waiting
🎶 📥 Wandering
🎶 📥 Wasteland
🎶 📥 When I'm Gone (Instrumental)
🎶 📥 When I'm Gone
🎶 📥 When you Decide To Care - Steel Chords ~ (Sights Unseen Remix)
🎶 📥 World of Darkness

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